Composition of the Clean Hydrogen JU Stakeholders Group
Name of the organisation | Acronym |
Members appointed 2 February 2024 | |
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas aisbl | ENTSOG |
Technical Association of the European Gas Industry | MARCOGAZ |
European Industrial Gases Association | EIGA |
The Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative | EMIRI |
European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers | EUTurbines |
European Aeronautics Science Network | EASN |
Polish Alternative Fuels Association | PSPA |
Waterborne Technology Platform | Waterborne TP |
European Steel Technology Platform | ESTEP |
European Green Vehicles Initiative Association for the 2Zero Partnership | EGVIAfor2Zero |
The European Association of National Metrology Institutes | EURAMET |
European Hydrogen Valleys Interregional Partnership | H2 Valleys S3P |
European Energy Research Alliance | EERA |
Members appointed 7 May 2024 | |
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking | EU-RAIL |
European Committee of the Regions | CoR |
EIT Urban Mobility | |
European Association of Automotive Suppliers | CLEPA |
Chair: Nils Røkke (EERA)
Vice-Chair: Manuel Coxe (Marcogaz)
The Stakeholders Group’s meetings take place at least twice a year.
Selection of the Members of the Stakeholders Group
- Recital 34 of the Single Basic Act requires that “With a view to ensuring that joint undertakings are aware of the positions and views of stakeholders from the entire value chain in their respective fields, joint undertakings should be able to set up their respective advisory stakeholders groups, to be consulted on horizontal issues or specific questions, as per the needs of each joint undertaking”
- In accordance with the general provisions of Article 22(2) of the Single Basic Act “The stakeholders group shall be open to all public and private stakeholders, including organised groups, active in the field of the joint undertaking, international interest groups from Member States, associated countries or other countries”
- In particular for Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, Article 84(1) mentions as specific provisions that “The stakeholders group shall consist of representatives of sectors which generate, distribute, store, need or use clean hydrogen across the Union, including the representatives of other relevant European partnerships, as well as representatives of the European Hydrogen Valleys Interregional Partnership and of the scientific community”
Call for Expression of Interest
On 17 December 2021, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership (Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) launched a Call for Expression of Interest open to all candidate groups or sector representatives to join the JU’s Stakeholders Group. The Call closed on 16 January 2022 with 62 expressions of interest.
On 2 February 2022, after concluding the selection process following the criteria established by the Governing Board of the Clean Hydrogen JU, the members of the Stakeholders Group were appointed for a four-year term.
Considering the need to ensure full sector coverage, as well as geographical and gender balance, the Governing Board decided that the composition of the Stakeholders Group would be reassessed in 2023 for the remainder of the four-year period.
Thus, the Clean Hydrogen JU launched a new Call for Expression of Interest for new Members open to all candidate groups or sector representatives. The Call closed on 15 February 2024 with 17 new expressions of interest.
On 7 May 2024, the new five members of the Stakeholders Group were appointed by the Governing Board.