Taking Europe-wide green and low carbon hydrogen certification to the next level: from concept to implementation. This is the objective of the CertifHy initiative undertaken by a consortium led by HINICIO, composed of the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB), GREXEL, Ludwig Bölkow System Technik (LBST), CEA, and TÜV SÜD and financed by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
The initiative started in 2014 and is now already in its third phase of implementation. Across the first two phases, the CertifHy Scheme was designed, and the Green and Low-Carbon Hydrogen labels were established. Following that, different procedures for GO issuing, transfer and cancellation were elaborated and subsequently tested through a pilot. This provided the basis for the first non-governmental Guarantee of Origin scheme for Hydrogen in the world.
At the moment, the third phase which began in October 2020 has mainly progressed on three work streams:
- Facilitating the EU-wide roll out of an efficient and harmonised H2 Guarantees of Origin market by closely cooperating with the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) and future EU Issuing Bodies as well as preparing the development of a new version of the CertifHy® Guarantees of Origin scheme to better address the need of the H2 industry
- Working towards the establishment of an EU Voluntary Scheme recognized by the European Commission for the certification of hydrogen as a renewable fuel of non-biological origin (RFNBO), which will be another key driver to the development of the clean hydrogen market
- Constantly promoting the CertifHy scheme while relaunching the CertifHy Stakeholder Platform and the Working Groups to co-construct the CertifHy schemes with 900+ individuals from 100+ companies all involved in the hydrogen industry in Europe and internationally

CertifHy 2 is the follow up to CertifHy. CertifHy 2 was completed in March 2019, and has built on the momentum of the first phase, and has served as a catalyst for implementing an EU-wide GO scheme for Green and Low Carbon hydrogen. The following documents encompass the publications and deliverables of the CertifiHy 2 project. Of particular interest is the CertifHy Implementation Roadmapthat "presents ambitions and actions for building a dual hydrogen certification infrastructure for Guarantees of Origin (GOs) and for Certification of renewable hydrogen in transport".