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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership

Awards Winners 2018

FCH JU Awards Winners

The winners were chosen by public vote, which mobilised the European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen community around the 26 nominees – 13 for each category (success stories and innovation).

Innovation Prize: Cell3ditor project (partners IREC, 3DCERAM, PROM and DTU, leading the innovation)

The ambitious goal of the Cell3editor project is to develop ‘tabletop factories’, in the form of 3D printers which can make monolithic solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stacks with embedded functionality. This is a great opportunity to achieve product flexibility, simple design for manufacturing and slash the time-to-market, waste material and manufacturing steps (shaping and thermal treatments). In addition, lowering initial investment by an order of magnitude will open the SOFC market to new players that will boost the supply chain and generate new high-skill jobs. Cell3editor is progressing well: based on the results so far there have been three patents submitted.

Success Story Prize: Power to the People (projects ene.field and PACE)

Two FCH JU-funded projects, ene.field, and its successor - project PACE, aim to establish Europe among global leaders in fuel cell micro-cogeneration. Already, 3500 households and businesses across Europe are using fuel cell micro-cogeneration for their heating, hot water and electricity supply. Each unit is enabling active energy ‘prosumers’ (producers-consumers) that can sell excess electricity back to the grid, creating a decentralised energy system with a reduced carbon footprint, and lower energy bills. Industry is also forging business partnerships with utilities to expand the market for fuel cell micro-cogeneration, and there’s a growing community of interested installers and building professionals.

For more information about the Awards nominees, see the FCH JU Success stories.

The project H2FUTURE, a European flagship project for the generation of green hydrogen from electricity from renewable energy sources was honoured with a Special Mention for communications excellence in raising the visibility of fuel cells and hydrogen technology for low-carbon manufacturing.

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