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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership


Call updates (08/09/2016):

An overview of the evaluation results for the 2016 Call (Flash Call Info) is now available. More information can be found in this document.

Call updates (14/06/2016):


As part of the Panel Review, Hearings will be organised for Innovation Actions (IA) proposals.

For this call, hearings will be conducted by a written procedure.

Invitations to hearings will be sent only to the coordinators of proposals with consensus scores above the individual thresholds.

It is expected the coordinators to receive the hearing questions by 24/06/2016 with a deadline to provide a written reply by 28/06/2016.

Hearings should not be used to modify proposals. The coordinators may only provide explanations and clarifications in response to questions submitted.

Providing written reply for the hearings is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Original submitted proposal is still the basis for final evaluation.

Call updates (10/05/2016):

A total of 81 proposals were submitted in response to this call.

  • Transport – total 26 proposals
  • Energy – total 38 proposals
  • Overarching – total 7 proposals
  • Cross-cutting – total 6 proposals

The proposals received have responded with the following numbers to the call topics:

Transport pillar: 26

Energy pillar: 38

Overarching: 7

Cross-cutting: 6

Topic 01-1: 5

02-1: 2

03-1: 7

04-1: 4

01-2: 0

02-2: 8

04-2: 2

01-3: 2

02-3: 7

01-4: 3

02-4: 3

01-5: 6

02-5: 2

01-6: 2

02-6: 4

01-7: 2

02-7: 4

01-8: 4

02-8: 1

01-9: 1

02-9: 1

01-10: 1

02-10: 2

02-11: 4

4 proposals were withdrawn by the FCH2 JU services due to abusive submission.

The evaluation of the proposals is planned to start by end-May 2016 and will be closed by mid-July 2016. Applicants will be informed on the outcome of the evaluations by the end of August 2016.

Call updates (17/03/2016)

International Collaboration:

Following an agreement between the US Department of Energy, DoE and the FCH JU, please note that for the following topics:

FCH-02-1-2016: Establish testing protocols for electrolysers performing electricity grid services

FCH-02-7-2016: Demonstration of large-scale rapid response electrolysis to provide grid balancing services and to supply hydrogen markets

FCH-02-10-2016: Demonstration of fuel cell-based energy storage solutions for isolated micro-grid or off-grid remote areas

FCH-04-1-2016: Novel education and training tools

legal entities established in the United States and participating in a proposal to be funded by the FCH JU programme are encouraged to explore potential future opportunities for funding in similar topics through the US Department of Energy.

More information is available at: and

The notice of publication of the call for proposals 2016 can be found on the Participant Portal website here

FCH 2 JU Specific Documents

· FCH2 JU Annual Work Plan 2016 (AWP2016), including call topics description

· FCH2 JU Multi-Annual Work Plan (MAWP)

· FCH2 JU Model Grant Agreement

Standard Proposal templates for call 2016 (WORD files):

· FCH2 JU Research and Innovation Action

· FCH2 JU Innovation Action

· FCH2 JU Coordination and Support Action

· FCH2 JU –Draft plan for dissemination & exploitation of results (all type of actions)

The presentations from the 2016 Info day can be found on the Call Info Day page.

All other documents related to the call are common to Horizon 2020 Programme and can be found on the Participant Portal here