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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership

In order to ensure the openness of its Programme, the Clean Hydrogen JU tries to collect the independent opinions and advice of the wider scientific community on the SRIA, work programmes and developments in adjacent sectors through an independent scientific advisory workshop as part of the European Hydrogen Week. The related actions undertaken, as well as the summary of the opinions gathered are presented below

Wider Scientific Community 2024

In 2024 the Clean Hydrogen JU, building on the learnings from the 2023 wider scientific community survey, conducted a new survey addressing the wider scientific community. Using a revised and further elaborated questionnaire, the aim was again to continue interacting with the scientific community and get feedback on the SRIA topics and the implementation through the annual work programmes already implemented. The 2024 wider scientific community survey was launched in the EU Survey platform on 11 April 2024, concluded on 19 May 2024. Unfortunately, due to the low participation, the JU decided to proceed without analysing the submitted information for statistical reasons. Other forms of consultation will be examined to ensure conformity with Article 82(d) of the SBA.  

Wider Scientific Community 2023

The Clean Hydrogen JU is progressing on the objectives reflected in the SRIA, by involving as many of the stakeholders of the hydrogen technologies sector as possible and seeking the views of the wider scientific community. In this regard, the JU has conducted a survey addressing the wider scientific community to gather feedback on the SRIA topics, in view also of the upcoming SRIA revision, and implementation through the AWP 2022 and AWP 2023. The Wider Scientific Community Survey 2023 (WSC Survey) was conducted by the Clean Hydrogen JU, between 9 June and 31 July 2023. An overview of the main outcomes can be found in the Programme Review Report 2023 (p.52)

Programme Review Report 2023

Wider Scientific Community 2022

The Clean Hydrogen JU continued its effort to increase the openness of its Programme, by widening the scope of its Programme Review Days (PRD). In 2022, this part of the Hydrogen Week, traditionally presenting the progress of the Programme and achievements of selected projects, was opened to the wider scientific community for consultation (as required by the SBA – see above too). These days were thus renamed as EU Hydrogen Research Days and included discussion panels for each Pillar with scientists / researchers from the wider scientific community, along with the audience, freely exchanging their views and opinions on the Clean Hydrogen JU Programme, the achievements of its projects and the way forward.

Summary of collected views - 2022

Wider Scientific Community 2021

In 2021, during the preparation of the SRIA, the JU made the first attempt to collect the opinions of the wider scientific community via a workshop organised on 30/11/2021 in two sessions, during the second day of the European Hydrogen Week 2021. The JU presented an overview of its planned multi-annual research and innovation (R&I) priorities, covering the whole hydrogen value chain. A particular emphasis was given to the necessary synergies with other end-use partnerships, collaboration with whom will be critical to achieve its goals.

Summary of collected views - 2021