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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Training and workshops

Joint European Summer School 2022

The Summer School has two individual weeks of lectures, each divided into a number of classes. These two weeks are organised individually and you can sign up for one or two weeks as suits you.

The Joint European Summer School JESS 2022 will be held near the beautiful city of Athens on the coast of the Aegean sea. Once again, it will provide highly condensed high level courses on selected topics.

Week 1 (11 – 17 Sept 2022) offers three introductory courses to:

  • High temperature fuel cells and electrolysers (SOFC and SOE)
  • Low temperature fuel cells and electrolysers (PEM and alkaline)
  • Battery technology

During the first week of Summer School, the main focus will be on the scientific and technological aspects. Starting from the fundamental principles of electrochemistry and thermodynamics, the entire spectrum of materials, design and balance of plant will be covered both from a scientific and an engineering point of view. In addition to the lectures, the participants will be asked to join in student projects where the content of the lectures is applied to a case study to be presented at the end of the week.

These courses are accredited at the three universities organising the Summer School and each carry 3 ECTS points.

Week 2 (18 – 24 Sept 2022) offers three advanced courses in:

  • Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
  • Hydrogen Safety
  • Innovative Technology Business Development

During the second week of the Summer School the main focus will be on the technological and innovation aspects. Building on previous student experience, these courses will offer specialised insights into vehicle technology, how to create an own business, and safe handling of hydrogen. The Master Class will give students the opportunity to present their own research projects and discuss problems in modelling and simulation with their lecturers and peers in order to get valuable impulses for their work. In addition to the lectures, the participants will be asked to join in student projects where the content of the lectures is applied to a case study to be presented at the end of the week.

These courses are accredited at the University of Birmingham and each carry 3 ECTS points.

  • hydrogen
  • Sunday 11 September 2022, 09:00 - Saturday 24 September 2022, 15:00 (CEST)
  • Vravrona, Greece

Practical information

Sunday 11 September 2022, 09:00 - Saturday 24 September 2022, 15:00 (CEST)
Hotel Dolce Athens Attica Riviera
Vravronos Avenue, 19003 Vravrona, Greece


General contact

Mr. John C. Cooper

Mr. John C. Cooper
University of Birmingham
j [dot] c [dot] hooperatbham [dot] ac [dot] uk
Phone number
+44 121 414 5275