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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
Training and workshops

Webinar: Roadmap towards a 1.85 GWe H2 plant

The 100 MWe ENGIE H2 plant has the objective to be a fast-track large-scale demonstration project to trigger the H2 market in the Northern Netherlands, and to
demonstrate the bankability, scalability and replicability potential at the site, region and throughout EU. In this webinar you will learn more about the long-term H2 roadmap at the Eemshaven project, and how this H2 plant can produce 1.85 GWe by early 2030. Grégory Bartholomé, Louise de Vos, Kristof Witvrouwen and John Bolt will give you an in-depth look into their work and findings and there is the opportunity for questions.

The HyNetherlands project (HyNL) aims at developing, building and operating one of the first large scale renewable power to e-methanol production plants in Europe and is in addition focused on delivering renewable-based hydrogen to the local mobility, industry and other sectors. Although most of the technological bricks of HyNL project have in recent years achieved and demonstrated technological maturity, integrating those bricks in a series of complex processes has not been proven yet and is considered a major innovation needed for scaling up.

By attending the Webinar you will get an in-depth look into the HyNetherlands study and results, and have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss with the authors of the study.

Register here: 

  • hydrogen
  • Wednesday 23 November 2022, 14:30 - 15:30 (CET)

Practical information

Wednesday 23 November 2022, 14:30 - 15:30 (CET)
