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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Newsletter
  • 11 September 2020
  • 17 min read

FCH News Report


FCH News Report



Dear reader,

I hope you all enjoyed the summer break and could spend some quality time with your family and friends. During the summer, the evaluation results of the 2020 call were approved and the project coordinators informed. We started the grants preparation and aim to announce the details of these 23 new projects details by the end of the year. This call for proposals was the last one for the FCH2-JU and it is impressive to see all these different innovative projects and the results they will generate.

In the fact of the month, we show the program achievements in the electrolysis technology development, where we moved from kW to MW scale. With all the recent positive announcements for plans for hydrogen at the EU level but also in various member states like France and Germany, there is an even bigger need to monitor in detail the entire hydrogen sector. In that respect, on 15 September we organize “The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory” launch webinar. The observatory will aim to provide data (statistics, facts and analysis) and up to date information about the entire hydrogen sector. It focuses on technology and market statistics, socio-economic indicators, policy, regulations and financial support. I would encourage you to register, if interested.

Enjoy the read,

Bart Biebuyck, FCH JU Executive Director


FCH JU Programme and Projects Updates



Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory: Save the date! Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory Launch Webinar

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 03.08.2020 [fr] [de]


Image: We are pleased to announce the launch of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory (FCHO) on Tuesday, 15.09.2020 at 10:30 CEST. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory provides data (statistics, facts and analysis) and up to date information about the entire hydrogen sector.

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New study released: Opportunities for Hydrogen Energy Technologies Considering the National Energy & Climate Plans

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 02.09.2020 [fr] [de]

Image: A new study commissioned by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) in consultation with the European Commission – DG Energy focuses on the Opportunities for Hydrogen Energy Technologies Considering the National Energy & Climate Plans.

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GiantLeap: Throwback Thursday Spotlight: ElringKlinger’s Fuel Cell Exceeds Expectations in EU-Funded ‘GiantLeap’ Project

FuelCellsWorks, 07.08.2020 [fr] [de]

We featured this story in February of this year. An unusal twist to range extending but the ElringKlinget AG fuel cells achieved excellent results. Successful completion of multi-year, EU-sponsored project to develop and test fuel-cell-powered range extender for electric buses under real conditions;....

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ZEFER: FCEVs a popular alternative in London and Paris

H2View, 29.07.2020 [fr] [de]

Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) operating as zero emission private hire vehicles in London and Paris are proving a popular alternative to combustion petrol or diesel engines. Peter Joseph has been driving a Toyota Mirai FCEV since he joined London private hire firm Green Tomato Cars in 2018.

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HySTOC: Safe and Reliable: HySTOC’s Promise for the Future of Hydrogen Supply

FuelCellsWorks, 28.07.2020 [fr] [de]

Liquid organic hydrogen carriers are one of the most suitable options for transporting hydrogen over long distances. The HySTOC project has been using novel materials to increase their storage capacity, reduce their cost and make them even safer. Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies was founded in 2013....

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CH2P: Novel Fuel Cell Technology Eases Industry Transition Towards Hydrogen-Powered Fleets

FuelCellsWorks, 25.07.2020 [fr] [de]

The CH2P project brings about a new technology for hydrogen refuelling stations, capable of cogenerating hydrogen, heat and electricity from natural gas and biomethane. The device combines high efficiencies with low environmental impact and high hydrogen purity.

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BIG HIT & SURF N TURF: New Hydrogen Course Developed in Orkney Approved by MCA

FuelCellsWorks, 24.07.2020 [fr] [de]

A course developed in Orkney to prepare local seafarers for working on and alongside hydrogen powered vessels has been approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). The approval represents a significant milestone in the Innovate UK funded HyDIME (Hydrogen Diesel Injection in a Marine Environment) project.

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REVIVE: PowerCell participates in EU project which will develop and operate a refuse truck with fuel cells in Gothenburg

Renewable Energy Magazine, 09.07.2020 [fr] [de]

will participate in an EU project that will develop and operate a refuse truck with fuel cells for Renova AB , western Sweden’s leading environmental enterprise within recycling and waste management. Renova’s end customer, the City of Gothenburg, wants to increase testing of fuel cell powered refuse trucks.

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Research tag (HyCARE: Ricerca Tag)

h2it, 23.07.2020 [fr] [de]

Hydrogen for storing renewable energy. The proposed HyCARE: involved 4 italian university of turin, východoslovenské Park, Bruno Kessler foundation and the holding Tecnodelta. Renewable energy, such as solar and wind, flashing is in production.

Original text: L’idrogeno per l’immagazzinamento dell’energia rinnovabile. Parte il progetto HyCARE: Coinvolti 4 Italiani Università di Torino, Environment Park, Fondazione Bruno Kessler e l’azienda Tecnodelta. Le energie rinnovabili, per esempio di tipo fotovoltaico ed eolico, sono caratterizzate da una intermittenza nella produzione.

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JIVE2: Green hydrogen takes off

Tractebel engie, 22.07.2020 [fr] [de]

A new step has just been taken for the Hyport project: the signing of the agreement for the construction of the 1st green hydrogen station at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport. Being a world first, the Hyport project is a large-scale strategic territorial project of France’s Occitanie Region for the....

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JIVE: Europe’s largest hybrid fuel cell bus fleet and first hydrogen infrastructure for public transport have been unveiled

Hydrogen, 21.08.2020 [fr] [de]

The German transport company Regionalverkehr Köln GmbH (RVK), representatives of the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (known in German as BMVI) and the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis (RSK) district, officially introduced this exciting project at Meckenheim. Meckenheim / Rhein-Sieg district.

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H2HAUL: European H2Haul project welcomes its new partner Bosch

Hydrogen, 15.07.2020 [fr] [de]

The H2Haul (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trucks for Heavy Duty Zero Emissions Logistics) project, co-financed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), is pleased to welcome Bosch to the consortium. Bosch brings significant experience to the H2Haul project.

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Hydrogen Station 2.0 in Zaventem: Air Liquide Completes Renovations

FuelCellsWorks, 20.08.2020 [fr] [de]

In 2016, Air Liquide unveiled its first hydrogen fueling station in Belgium in Zaventem. The station has just completed major renovations in order to better meet future needs … “Hydrogen is gradually finding its place as an energy source for road traffic,” explains Diederick Luijten, Vice President....

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Could hydrogen planes be the future of aviation 21 July, 2020 3

europost, 21.07.2020 [fr] [de]

Nowadays, aviation accounts for 3.6% of EU greenhouse gas emissions. Modern planes use kerosene as fuel, releasing harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But what if there was another way? One possible solution is to use a new type of fuel in planes that does not produce harmful emissions hydrogen.

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Europe, China battle for global supremacy on electrolyser manufacturing

Euractiv (English), 28.08.2020 [fr] [de]

A global technology race. With those initiatives, the EU seems determined to preserve and strengthen its industrial leadership in electrolyser manufacturing. But what is the state of play in the rest of the world? Today, there are essentially three types of electrolyser technologies: Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM), Alkaline, and Solid Oxide (SO).

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EASN Interview of Mr. Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking August 30, 2020

FuelCellsWorks, 31.08.2020 [fr] [de]

Mr. Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking – FCH JU (short CV here ) introduces his views regarding the challenges and the scopes of the FCH JU as well as his viewpoint on the role of Academia in the frame of the FCH JU.

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Pillars of Progress: Mobility – Maritime hydrogen, the next big wave

H2View, 20.07.2020 [fr] [de]

The maritime sector includes activities as varied as cruise-boat tourism, freight shipping and ferry transport. It’s also a big contributor of CO2 emissions. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH2 JU) is promoting research to develop and integrate efficient, hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuel cells on ships and boats.

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FCH JU: A success story, turning the page into a new chapter

H2View, 24.08.2020 [fr] [de]

When the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) was founded in 2008, hydrogen technology was still at basic research and early demonstration stage. Just 12 years later, hydrogen is a firm part of public strategies to decarbonise our economy and a growing source of European jobs from an internationally competitive industry.

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Fact of the Month



Electrolysers from kW to multi-MW scale

fch, 07.09.2020


FCH JU was created in 2008 as an Institutionalised Public-Private partnership and since then has delivered clear impact on implementing optimal research and innovation activities on hydrogen energy technologies aiming to bring them to the point of market readiness:

Electrolysers technology validation

  • Pressurised- alkaline electrolysers: 3.2-MW in Insbruck, Austria (food industry) and 20 MW in Groeningen, the Netherlands (chemical industry);
  • PEM electrolysers and electricity grid balancing services: 1.25-MW for dynamic production of hydrogen in Hobro, Denmark (light metal industry); 2.5-MW (high-pressure) in a remote location in Norway (direct coupling of wind power and hydrogen production by using several modes of operation for re-electrification); 6-MW (atmospheric pressure) installed and operated at Voestalpine Linz steel plant in Austria; 10-MW (high-pressure) at a Shell refinery in Cologne, Germany;
  • Solid Oxide electrolysers: 180 kW reversible (20% capacity in fuel cell mode) at a steel mill in Germany; second generation system of 720kW be commissioned in September 2020 demonstrating an increased size and improved electrical efficiency; further scale-up of 2.6MW electrolyser in a renewable biofuel refinery in Rotterdam by July 2022.

Electrolysers performance

  • PEM electrolysers have reached the 2020 MAWP energy consumption target of 55 kWh/kg H2 at rated power at stack level while electricity consumption of <50 kWh/kg was reached at single cell / short stack level. High current densities still pose a problem in terms of degradation rate, however a value of 0.2%/1000h at 3A/cm2 (at 1.8V) was reached, the MAWP target being 0.19%/1000h.
  • EU SOEL: electrical efficiencies of 100% LHV were reached in electrolysis mode when using waste heat (steam) and 52% LHV in FC mode;


Photo H2Future project. © voestalpine

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Industry and Policy Headlines



Hydrogen generation in Europe: Overview of cost and key benefits

European Commission, 12.08.2020 [fr] [de]


The European Commission published its hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe on the 8th July 2020. This strategy brings different strands of policy action together, covering the entire value chain, as well as the industrial, market and infrastructure angles together with the research and....

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Review of renewables and energy efficiency directives - Commission launches first steps in process

European Commission, 04.08.2020 [fr] [de]

One of the aims of the European Green Deal is to increase the EU's climate ambition so that greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by at least 50% and towards 55% in a responsible way by 2030. This was a key pledge from President von der Leyen when she was confirmed in office by the European Parliament.

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Can the world emerge from the pandemic a better place?

Horizon - The EU Research & Innovation Magazine, 18.08.2020 [fr] [de]

of the Science, Research and Innovation Performance of the European Union (SRIP) report, which examined how research and innovation can contribute to social, economic and environmental goals of the EU and published when many countries in Europe were in lockdown and cases were beginning to peak.

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Ocean DEMO 3rd call approaching deadline

offshore energy, 07.09.2020 [fr] [de]

There are only two weeks left to apply for the EU-funded Ocean DEMO 3rd […] The post Ocean DEMO 3rd call approaching deadline appeared first on Offshore Energy.

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EDP and Galp together in a 1.5 billion consortium to produce hydrogen in Sines

aicep Portugal Global in English, 28.07.2020 [fr] [de]

The electric company EDP and the oil company Galp have joined forces to present the H2Sines mega project to the government, in a consortium with REN and other national and international companies, to create a green hydrogen production plant in Sines. The investment will be around 1.5 billion euros until 2030, according to ECO.

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Sustainable hydrogen economy "Without hydrogen the climate goals cannot be achieved" An interview with Holger Hanselka and Olivier Guillon on the German government's National Hydrogen Strategy and the role of hydrogen in building a climate-friendly energy system.

helmholtz, 14.08.2020 [fr] [de]

Holger Hanselka is President of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Vice-President of the Helmholtz Association for the Research Field Energy. Olivier Guillon is Director of the Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK-1): Materials Synthesis and Manufacturing Processes at....

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Hydrogen Europe's position paper on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive

Hydrogen, 03.09.2020 [fr] [de]

Hydrogen Europe welcomes the upcoming revision of the Directive 2014/94/EU on the Deployment of Alternative Fuel Infrastructure, especially in light of the European Green Deal and The European Union's (EU) aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. With 25% of the EU's GHG emissions attributable to....

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French economic recovery plan ‘resonates strongly’ with German and EU plan

Euractiv (English), 04.09.2020 [fr] [de]

France’s plan is “massive”, of “historic magnitude”, and appears to be a “giant step” for the environment. The tone has been set and the message is clear: the government is not taking half-measures to revive an economy brought down by the COVID-19 health crisis and is betting on what it calls the “sectors of the future”.

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Green hydrogen pilot will test offshore electrolysis

riviera, 21.07.2020 [fr] [de]

Most of the offshore windfarms in the Netherlands have been built close to the shore but in the longer term there are plans to build vastly more capacity far from shore. The transmission costs associated with bringing many gigawatts of electricity ashore from windfarms far offshore some in excess of....

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Iberdrola - Iberdrola and Fertiberia launch the largest plant producing green hydrogen for industrial use in Europe With an investment of 150 million euros, it will contribute to the decarbonisation of the industrial sector and will be operational in 2021

Electric Energy Online, 07.08.2020 [fr] [de]

Highlights. Iberdrola will construct a photovoltaic plant (100 MW), a battery installation and a system for producing green H2 by electrolysis from 100 % renewable sources; The green hydrogen will be used at the Fertiberia fertilizer plant in Puertollano, making it the first European company in its....

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HYZON Motors Inc. opens Europe’s first dedicated Hydrogen Truck production facility in the Netherlands

Hydrogen, 14.07.2020 [fr] [de]

HYZON Motors announces the launch of HYZON Motors Europe B.V., its new European headquarters and manufacturing center based in Groningen, the Netherlands. HYZON Motors expects to ship hundreds of fuel cell heavy vehicles by the end of 2021. Expanding rapidly around the globe, HYZON’s European....

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Hyundai’s hydrogen truck wins award

H2View, 05.08.2020 [fr] [de]

Hyundai’s hydrogen-powered fuel cell heavy-duty truck HDC-6 Neptune has won a 2020 Future Mobility of the Year (FMOTY) award. Established by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Graduate School for Green Transportation in 2019, the FMOTY awards recognise concept vehicles....

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Port of Rotterdam Seeks to Develop Hydrogen Economy

Ship & Bunker, 30.07.2020 [fr] [de]

The Port of Rotterdam has become the first port authority to join industry body the Hydrogen Council. The authority is hoping to encourage the use of hydrogen, CEO Allard Castelein said in a statement on its website Wednesday. "The hydrogen economy is currently rapidly emerging in Rotterdam through....

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Microsoft trials hydrogen-powered data centers

pv magazine, 29.07.2020 [fr] [de]

U.S. software giant Microsoft this week announced the successful trial of a system to power one of its data centers . The company said the 250 kW pilot project provided proof of concept and, beyond back-up power, Microsoft said it has a much bigger vision of playing a leading role in the growth of a....

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Hyraze League to establish racing on green hydrogen

electrive, 19.08.2020 [fr] [de]

A consortium of German partners will establish the Hyraze League as the world’s first automobile racing series to use hydrogen from sustainable sources. The concept now presented envisions 588 hydrogen-powered cars competing using eco-tech both in the real world and online.

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Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies

International Energy Agency, 20.07.2020 [fr] [de]

The Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies programme will work with specific emerging economies to implement actions to fulfil global clean energy and climate targets in line with the Paris agreement. Built on a foundation of fact-based insights and tangible recommendations, the programme's....

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Activity for the first half of 2020: a strong commercial dynamic despite the Covid-19 crisis, combined with a net increase in cash flow

marketscreener, 28.07.2020 [fr] [de]

Signature of contracts representing the change in scale of McPhy’s commercial and industrial activity , such as Djewels and Zero Emission Valley projects; Despite the crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, revenue increased by 24% compared to the first half of 2019, rising to €5.

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Upcoming Events



15/09/2020 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory Launch Webinar

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 03.08.2020 [fr] [de]


Image: We are pleased to announce the launch of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory (FCHO) on Tuesday, 15.09.2020 at 10:30 CEST. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory provides data (statistics, facts and analysis) and up to date information about the entire hydrogen sector.

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22/09/2020 FCH JU participation: Webinar Foresight Hydrogen

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 12.08.2020 [fr] [de]

Foresight Hydrogen 2020 is a high-level Webinar Series that will bring together leading policy makers, project developers, innovators, researchers and key stakeholders to highlight thought leadership, promote high-technology, catalyse collaboration and share investment opportunities within the Hydrogen Economy.

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22/09/2020 EU Zero Emission Bus Conference 2021 & ZEBINARS 2020

Hydrogen, 06.08.2020 [fr] [de]

*NEW DATES* We are happy to announce *NEW DATES* for the next European Zero Emission Bus conference! The #ZEB2021 will take place on 23-24 March 2021 in Paris, France. As with the previous editions of the conference, held in Cologne in 2018 and London in 2016, the Paris ZEB conference will focus on....

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21/10/2020 FCH JU participation: Virtual session: Clean hydrogen mobility for regions

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 19.08.2020 [fr] [de]

The Clean hydrogen mobility for regions workshop, hosted within the European Week of Regions, is dedicated to regions and cities interested in clean hydrogen mobility solutions to tackle climate change and air pollution. - The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) will provide....

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Publication date
11 September 2020