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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Newsletter
  • 29 October 2021
  • 12 min read

FCH News Report


FCH News Report



Dear reader,

Thank you for tuning in to the webinars and sessions recently hosted by the Fuel Cells and hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

We hope this month, packed with interesting events – from the EU Regions Week, to EU Sustainable Week (EUSEW 2021) and the Project Development Assistance webinar, managed to raise your interest in the results reported by our projects and initiatives. This month’s newsletter captures as well some of the most concrete examples of our R&I activities working to make the hydrogen economy a reality in Europe and beyond.

October has been a rehearsal for the exciting months ahead. Firstly COP26, followed by our main event – the European hydrogen Week (29 Nov-3 Dec 2021) will explore the role of clean hydrogen as a key driver of the transition to net-zero emissions.

Looking forward to welcoming you to this second edition of the European Hydrogen Week. Registration will open early November. Stay tuned.

Enjoy the read.

Bart Biebuyck, FCH JU Executive Director


FCH JU Programme and Projects Updates



FCH JU Project Development Assistance (PDA) Public Summary

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 19.10.2021 [fr] [de]


The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking presented today the report covering the results of the Project Development Assistance (PDA) initiative. The PDA initiative supported 11 selected regions to develop detailed work plans for the implementation of hydrogen projects and concluded in June 2021.

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Answer to a written question - Safety of the energy switch to hydrogen

European Parliament, 14.10.2021 [fr] [de]

Answer given by Ms Gabriel on behalf of the European Commission (14.10.2021) The Commission is well aware of safety challenges of upscaling hydrogen technologies. Several actions, including studies and research activities, are taken at EU and international level to assess risk and....

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Commission President highlights Green Hysland as example to clean industry and reach carbon neutrality

Green Hysland, 25.10.2021

'The Green Hysland project on the island of Mallorca is a great example. It is the first hydrogen valley on a European island. It will generate, distribute and use at least 300 tons of renewable hydrogen every year produced from solar energy.'

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Unleashing the potential of hydrogen for Europe’s ports

Science Business, 05.10.2021 [fr] [de]

The global transition to hydrogen as an energy source is well under way. Hydrogen is especially relevant for waterborne transport and associated logistics, which ultimately support the entire economy.

By Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)....

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Bringing hydrogen power to the steel industry

Science Business, 26.10.2021 [fr] [de]

The steel industry, along with transportation and power generation, is one of the top three producers of carbon dioxide emissions. As global steel demand continues to grow, improvement in the environmental performance of steel factories is essential for the green transition.

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H2ME: The first hydrogen taxi is now on the roads in Aarhus

brintbranchen, 05.10.2021

Aarhus’ first hydrogen taxi is part of the H2ME 2 project, which has received support from the joint venture ‘Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2’. This Joint Undertaking receives funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, ‘Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research’

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JIVE: ESWE Verkehr welcomes its first hydrogen fuel cell bus

fuelcellbus, 06.10.2021

The German transport operator ESWE Verkehr officially took delivery of its first Caetano hydrogen fuel cell bus on 5 October 2021. By the end of December 2021, nine fuel cell buses from Portugal will be delivered to Wiesbaden. The mobility service provider has thus reached the next milestone in its corporate history.

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JIVE: Inauguration of a hydrogen station in Auxerre (JIVE: Inauguration de la station hydrogène d'Auxerre)

Communaute de l'auxerrois, 13.10.2021

The hydrogen production and distribution station, based on avenue de la Turgotine, was built by Hynamics, a subsidiary of the EDF group. It produces green hydrogen by electrolysis, releases only water and oxygen and emits no noise pollution.

Original text: La station de production et de distribution d’hydrogène, basée avenue de la Turgotine a été construite par Hynamics, filiale du groupe EDF. Elle produit de l’hydrogène vert par électrolyse, ne rejette que de l’eau et de l’oxygène et n’émet aucune nuisance sonore.

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Green Hysland project in Mallorca lands 1st green hydrogen off-taker

Renewables naw, 19.10.2021 [fr] [de]

October 19 (Renewables Now) - Spanish hotel chain Iberostar Group has signed up to be the first off-taker of green hydrogen from the Green Hysland project set in the island of Mallorca. The tourism group signed an agreement to get its hydrogen from the future Green Hysland hydrogen electrolysis....

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H2PORTS: Valenciaport 1st in Europe to install green hydrogen supply station

Offshore Energy, 19.10.2021 [fr] [de]

The Port of Valencia has revealed that it will be the first European port to install a green hydrogen plant to reduce the environmental impact of its terminal machinery operations. The station, which will be installed in January next year, will be mobile and will provide the necessary fuel, in the....

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Cosmhyc News: New publication by LBST in HZwei

cosmhyc, 12.10.2021

One of the COSMHYC and COSMHYC XL partners, LBST (Ludwig-Bölkow Systemtechnik), has just published about “Hydrogen Compression with Metal Hydrides” in the October issue of Hzwei - magazine for hydrogen and fuel cells.

The article is available in German.

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Refhyne II Consortium secures €32M CINEA grant

H2 Bulletin, 08.10.2021 [fr] [de]

Refhyne II consortium has been awarded a grant of €32.4 million by CINEA (the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) for the development of a 100 MW electrolyser to be sited at Shell’s Energy and Chemicals Park, Rheinland, Germany.

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ComSos Survey: join the conversation on SOFC

comsos, 13.10.2021 [fr] [de]

A survey on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells is the project’ tool choosen to validate the perception on the ComSos objectives. The goal is collecting opinions in order to understand the awarness on this technology. The survey is available in italian and english, browsing the link within the “Comsos” section of the website.

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Hydrogen: how, where and when? (EVERYWH2ERE: Idrogeno: come, dove e quando?)

rivistanatura, 07.10.2021 [fr] [de]

On the occasion of the Pre-COP26 in Milan, the event "Hydrogen everywH2ere - How, where, when?" was organised by H2IT - Italian Association of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Assolombarda and the European project EVERYWH2ERE.

Original text: In occasione della Pre-COP26 di Milano si è tenuto l’evento “Idrogeno everywH2ere – Come, dove, quando?”, organizzato da H2IT – Associazione Italiana Idrogeno e Celle a Combustibile, Assolombarda e dal progetto europeo EVERYWH2ERE.

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H2FUTURE: Decarbonisation of industrial heat: The iron and steel sector

Energy Efficiency, 04.10.2021 [fr] [de]

Headlines. Current primary steel production is highly integrated; incremental efficiency improvements can only further reduce emissions by about 10%. The analysis of scenarios published recently by various sources shows that: Achieving deep decarbonisation by 2050 is only possible through new production processes.

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PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS: SWITCH – Developing a novel system prototype based on solid oxide cell technology

fch, 28.10.2021

Project SWITCH[i] has successfully passed through the mid-term review of its lifetime demonstrating very encouraging results. The project’s objective is to develop fuel cell technology that will provide green and secured production of hydrogen, heat and power using solid oxide cell technology.

SWITCH project[i] succeeded in demonstrating the production of green hydrogen using a reversible solid-oxide electrolyser that is also capable of trigeneration (heat, electricity and hydrogen) when utilising natural gas.

The first part of the project focused on improving the Large Stack Module (LSM) – the core of the system where the electrochemical reaction occurs. Building on the LSM concept previously developed by another FCH JU-funded project - CH2P, SWITCH project consortium managed to engineer and validate the LSM for full reversible operation – to produce hydrogen when fed with electricity and steam. The module has successfully demonstrated the production of 53kg of green hydrogen/day and has been tested already for more than 2100 hours.

With such encouraging results, the project is planning to install and demonstrate a system with an operating time estimated to more than 5000 h and capable of producing 100 kg of hydrogen per day – double than the production capacity initially foreseen. The system will be installed in a hydrogen refuelling station (HRS) in the Shell Technology Centre in Amsterdam.

The overall cost objectives aim at €2.83/kg/kg H2 (@€40/MWhel) and €4.32/kg (@€80/MWhel) with an assumed methane cost of 3.5 cts/kWh.

[i] Smart Ways for In-Situ Totally Integrated and Continuous Multisource Generation of Hydrogen



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Fact of the Month



Project Development Assistance for Cities and Regions. Thinking Global, Acting Local

fch, 28.10.2021


In the pursuit to reach the emission reduction targets and improve local air quality, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) developed the Project Development Assistance (PDA) Initiative. The assistance programme was conceived to help European local authorities develop and implement concrete plans that would later allow regions and cities to benefit from the use of clean hydrogen technologies.
In a nutshell, the PDA activities, spanning over a period of one year (June 2020-June 2021), reported encouraging results, showing great interest for hydrogen projects across European regions:

  • Since launching the call for applications in 2020, the PDA received 35 applications from regions across 18 European countries
  • 11 local authorities, 5 of which in Central and Eastern Europe, received funded consultancy support to develop integrated hydrogen projects
  • The 11 selected regions developed concrete plans that could materialise into an overall capital expenditure (CAPEX), for a total estimated between EUR 650 million – EUR 750 million

The other 24 regions joined the Observer Network, an informative and interactive programme (running between Sep 2020 - May 2021) that delivered relevant material on a variety of technical and financial topics, including:

  • The Policy support for hydrogen – an outline of the legislative environment up-to-date and the role of hydrogen in this framework
  • The Request for information (RFI) template – reference document including specific technical and cost data needed ahead of procurement procedures for a commercially available piece of equipment or infrastructure

For more outcomes and lessons learnt throughout the pilot PDA initiative, please refer to the recently published Public summary.

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Industry and Policy Headlines



Clean hydrogen: smoke screen or the future of energy?

sciencebusiness, 03.10.2021


The Commission has been co-investing in hydrogen with industry since 2008 when it launched the first hydrogen public-private partnership. The latest version of the initiative, now fully focused on the green version of the gas, is set to launch in the coming months when the EU member states give their approval to the partnership.

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Everything you need to know about the hydrogen revolution going on in the Netherlands, 12.10.2021

In anticipation of the upcoming COP26 conference taking place in early November 2021, the topic of hydrogen, especially green hydrogen, is becoming more and more talked about.

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Technology report Global Hydrogen Review 2021

International Energy Agency, 04.10.2021 [fr] [de]

Focusing on hydrogen’s usefulness for meeting climate goals, this Review aims to help decision makers fine-tune strategies to attract investment and facilitate deployment of hydrogen technologies while also creating demand for hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels.

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Key Messages from the IEA Global Hydrogen Review

illuminem, 22.10.2021

Early October the IEA launched the long awaited Global Hydrogen Review (GHR) at the 4th Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting. (...) The first key message is that the unprecedented momentum for clean hydrogen is turning into action.

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IRENA and IPHE strengthen green hydrogen partnership

AAC - Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 13.10.2021 [fr] [de]

The International Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE) have strengthened their partnership on advancing green hydrogen production and use globally. The two have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that includes....

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Creating the new hydrogen economy is a massive undertaking

The Economist, 09.10.2021 [fr] [de]

The vital nature of this comes from one of the subsequent uses of the gas. As well as being used to process oil in refineries and to produce methanol for use in plastics, hydrogen is also, crucially, used for the production of almost all the world’s industrial ammonia.

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Upcoming Events



COP26: Leading the way towards net zero: Hydrogen as a missing piece of the puzzle for a green energy transition

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 26.10.2021 [fr] [de]


Friday | 5 November 2021 | FCH JU co-organiser

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Hydrogen Transition Summit

fch, 28.10.2021

Thursday | 11 November | FCH JU participation

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Webinar: Energizing your business with fuel cell technology

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 21.10.2021 [fr] [de]

17 November 2021

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European Hydrogen Week 2021

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, 13.07.2021 [fr] [de]

29 November – 3 December 2021 | Organiser: FCH JU

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Publication date
29 October 2021