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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
News article2 June 2021Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking1 min read

Review webinar Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants

Wednesday, 28 April, the European Commission hosted a webinar for H2020 beneficiaries. The objective was to inform and provide clear guidelines on how to avoid errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants.

Avoiding financial errors in financial statements is crucial. When detected in ex-post audits, financial errors can lead to unnecessary administrative efforts and recoveries of part of the funds. Moreover, a high overall financial error rate damages the reputation of the programme.

Additional information about the event, as well as previous webinars, can be found on this page.

The recording of the event is available on the EU Science & Innovation official YouTube channel.


Publication date
2 June 2021
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking