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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • News article
  • 16 December 2022
  • Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
  • 2 min read

New website for the European Hydrogen Refueling Station Availability System

The European Hydrogen Refuelling Station Availability System (E-HRS-AS) provides a free, reliable and ready to use data service on hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) in Europe. 

Hydrogen Refueling Station

The recently launched website includes a real-time information system on the availability of hydrogen refuelling stations in Europe and a common data repository framework for static information, such as addresses, dispensing capabilities and means of payment. All this data can be shared through an open-source export API to any third party who requests access to support the development of the sector.

The website was commissioned by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership as part of the new European Hydrogen Refuelling Station Availability System to help HRS Owners and Operators to connect to the system and share real-time availability of their stations with customers across Europe.

“The HRS availability system is a unique service that provide users with updates regarding the status of the stations in Europe. It is the only real time availability system collecting data across Europe. Being an open source, the information is available for further uses and developments for free. We believe that it will help eliminate potential anxieties over a lack of infrastructure and will enable more drivers to opt for fuel cell vehicles. We encourage all operators to submit their data regularly and be part of this ambitious project, for the benefit of the citizens and the industry”. Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director, Clean Hydrogen Partnership

The system is solely funded by the European Union. The aim of the initiative spearheaded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership is to assemble a reliable database on the state of the hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in the Union and share it for free. To that effect, the platform centralizes information from operators all over Europe and issues tokens to users interested in the data to assess non confidential data. By disseminating this crucial information at no cost, the E-HRS-AS helps foster the rise of a credible, easy-to-use component of the zero-emission transport revolution.

There are a variety of applications already using E-HRS-AS data, such as the TENtec Interactive Map Viewer, European Alternative Fuels Observatory, FillNDrive, & Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory.

Visit the new website to learn more about: Where to fuel? How to add a station? How to receive data?

The development, implementation and operation of the E-HRS-AS was subcontracted to Spilett, Element Energy (an ERM group company) and ENDA. They conduct the day-to-day operations of the system in close coordination with the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.


Publication date
16 December 2022
Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking