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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • General publications

How to get involved in the FCH JU Programme under Horizon 2020

This brochure is a guide for any potential applicant interested in the FCH JU programme. It indicates all steps to follow to submit a proposal to a call, as well as informing on the rules and the evaluation procedure.


Publication date
16 October 2015
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking


This brochure is a guide for any potential applicant intrested in the FCH JU programme.

It indicates all steps to follow to submit a proposal to a call as well as informing on the rules and the evaluation procedure.

cover (ID 2844367).jpg


  • 15 NOVEMBER 2021
FCHJU - GUIDE FOR APPLICANT (ID 2275521) (ID 2839736).pdf