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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • General publications

Programme Review 2011

The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has the ambitious objective to place Europe at the forefront of the development, commercialization and deployment of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies, as of 2015. About €470 million, over a...


Publication date
18 April 2012
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking


The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has the ambitious objective to place Europe at the forefront of the development, commercialization and deployment of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies, as of 2015. About €470 million, over a six year period, have been granted by the European Union to achieve this, and private funds are being attracted to support the same ambition, as part of the global European effort embedded in the multi-annual implementation plan MAIP (2008-2013).

A periodic evaluation of such a strategic program is relevant to address the question of whether the public-private partnership is on the path of reaching its objectives and to enable adjustments to its course if and where needed.

This first Programme Review from the FCH JU has the objective of assessing the portfolio of projects; 44 projects from the call 2008 and 2009 as well as some 14 projects supported by the European Commission under the 7thframework programme, which are linked to the Joint Undertaking portfolio and have been either the forerunners or the complement of a number of FCH JU projects. These projects cover a mix of basic and applied research, and demonstration activities.

The review process is intended to take place on an annual basis and to contribute as far as possible to a pro-active and continuous management of the entire portfolio, future calls as well as to the next phase of the programme.



  • 15 NOVEMBER 2021
FCH JU Programme review 2011 final report pdf - April 2012.pdf