- Publication date
- 4 March 2013
- Author
- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking
Initiated in 2011, the 2012 programme review edition covered 71‘live’ projects from the 2008, 2009 and 2010 calls for proposals,together with some projects from the 2011 call. Total fundingfor these projects stands at close to € 450 million, 50% of which comes from FCH JU financial contributions and 50% of which
comes from industry and research in-kind contributions.
The 2012 Programme review confirms the FCH JU has continued to make progress against its principle objectives as set out in the Multi-Annual Implementation Plan (MAIP), notably vehicles and materials performance, durability, and costs reduction for both components and systems. A significative extension of the
demonstration projects in all application areas is welcome and matched by a sustained industry involvement in the portfolio, 50% of which are SMEs.