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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership

Programme of the Stakeholders General assembly

12 October 2012

The programme can be downloaded below in pdf version.

Final Programme( 189 KB).

8h30 - 9h00 Registration and welcome coffee

9.00 - 09.45 Opening Session

Welcome: Pierre Etienne Franc, Chairman of the FCH JU Governing Board (video)

Benoît Potier, CEO of Air Liquide (video)

Bernard Bigot, President of CEA (video)

09.45 - 11.00 Session I- Achievements and ambition for the FCH JU within horizon 2020 (video and presentations)

The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) will review: the achievements in all application areas, the roadmap and its priorities, in the Horizon 2020 perspectives

FCH JU achievements and perpectives

Bert de Colvenaer, Executive Director FCH JU

FCH long- term technology roadmap 2020 and priorities : Industry commitments

Pierre-Etienne Franc, Chairman of the FCH JU Industry grouping

how to tackle energy challenges and innovation in the next decade Vladimir Sucha, Deputy Director General, JRC, European Commission

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies in Horizon 2020

Wiktor Raldow, Head of Unit, Energy conversion and distribution systems, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

Exchange with the audience

11.00 - 11.30 Exhibition and Networking Coffee

11.30 - 13.00 Session II- Role of hydrogen and fuel cells in a decarbonised energy system (video and presentations)

Financing collaborative partnerships in France: the example of OSEO Laure Reinhart, CEO of OSEO

The prospects of H2 in a clean energy system

Ulrich Wagner, Director for energy and transport, DLR

Managing intermittency and the role of smart grids

Kristina Floche Juelsgaard, Development Manager, SEAS-NVE, Denmark

Stationary deployment through the Ene-field project

Fiona Riddoch, Managing Director of Cogen Europe

Energy challenges in Europe Tudor Constantinescu, Director, Energy directorate, European Commission

Exchange with the audience

13.00 - 14.30 Exhibition and Networking – LUNCH for all participants

14.30 - 16.00 Session III –Deployment initiatives and challenges for hydrogen infrastructure build-up (video and presentations)

Linking the H2 Mobility Plan to EU deployment strategy

Klaus Bonhoff, Managing Director, NOW

European support to infrastructure deployment

Olivier Onidi, Director Innovative and Sustainable Mobility, European Commission,

Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE)

Infrastructure deployment in Japan Tadashi Ito, Chief Officer of new energy technology departement, NEDO, Japan

Customer - based deployment strategy

Daryl Wilson, CEO Hydrogenics

Progress of the UK mobility plan James Batchelor, Managing Director, Motive division, Intelligent energy

Q&A and exchanges with the audience and with panellists

16.00 - 16.30 Exhibition and Coffee

16.30 - 17.45 Session IV – Addressing the financial challenges to deployment (video and presentations)

Financial challenges of clean energy technology projects

David Hart, Director, e4Tech

Financing innovation- the US approach in cleantech Jérôme Chevalier, Managing Partner, Quilvest ventures

Instruments to support projects deployment: the ADEME experience in France

Daniel Clément, Director ADEME
Infrastructure investment: the French approach

Ivan Faucheux, Program Director, Commissariat Général aux Investissements d'avenir

New European financing tools Jean-David Malo, Head of Unit, financial engineering, European Commission, Directorate general for Research and Innovation

Q&A with audience and exchanges

Closing remarks: Bert De Colvenaer, Executive Director of the FCH JU (video)