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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Project

Demonstration of new qualitative innovative concept of hydrogen out of wind turbine electricity

The project “Don Quichote” aims at the long-term demonstration of the readiness of the technology of the combination of renewable electricity and hydrogen; facts-based data generated in this project is the base for analysis for further deployment and implementation of combined systems “renewable electricity – hydrogen”. Linked to the technical demonstration emphasis will be put on analysis of regulation, codes, standards, on LCA/LCI, on total cost of ownership and on implementation ways all over Europe.


SP1-JTI-FCH.2011.2.1: Demonstration of MW capacity, hydrogen production and storage for balancing the grid and supply to a hydrogen refuelling station


Hydrogenics Europe NV, Belgium


Dr. Jan Vaes

Other participating organisations:

Organisation Country
WaterstofNet vzw Belgium
Etablissement Franz Colruyt NV Belgium
TUV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Germany
JRC-Joint Research Centre-European Commission Belgium
PE International AG Germany
Icelandic New Energy Ltd Iceland
FAST – Federazione delle associazioni scientifiche e tecniche Italy
(Hydrogen Efficiency Technologies (HYET) BV) The Netherlands