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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Project

Evaluating the Performance of Fuel Cells in European Energy Supply Grids

It has become apparent in the development of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) Multi Annual Implementation Plan (MAIP) and Annual Implementation Plans (API) that it is difficult to formulate precise targets and requirements for stationary fuel cell applications due to the complicated interaction of FC system operation with grid specifics and the differing goals of FC implementation in the Member States. Neither for efficiency and emission levels, for example, nor for more technical specifications like cycling ability and turn-down ratio can clear targets be set and benchmarks applied that are independent from the energy supply grid environment the FC system is operating in.
Therefore it was decided to omit such targets from the JU programme, which on the other hand constitutes an unsatisfactory situation due to the lack of clear technical guidelines.
The project will contribute to solving this situation by collecting and reviewing information on stationary FC operations in various grid environments and application strategies. From this analysis and using information on competing technologies and their future development, benchmarks and targets for stationary fuel cell applications in Europe will be developed and coordinated with the relevant European stakeholders, as well as with the FCH JU and the Commission. These benchmarks will be essential in assessing the progress of the JU programme in improving fuel cell technology and the advantages fuel cells can offer over conventional technologies in the context of different energy supply grids.


SP1-JTI-FCH.2009.3.8: Applications specific targets for stationary power generation and related technology benchmark


The University of Birmingham, UK



Other participating organisations:

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH Germany
European Institute for Energy Research Germany
E.ON New Build & Technology Germany
Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Finland
ENEA Italy
Grontmij AB Sweden
Institute of Power Engineering Poland
EBZ GmbH Germany