The project aims to develop a Guidance manual for LCA of FC and H2 based systems, training material and courses. The MANUAL will offer a step by step guidance, following the LCA Handbook procedure, together with specific examples, targeting LCA practitioners in industry and researcher. FC and H2 are technologies with a broad range of functions, applications and input processes thus we will adopt a flexible and modular approach, adapting the modularity of the ISO 14025.Proposed approach consists of 5 steps:
*Definition of product category groups for FC and H2 to allow a broader comparability among the different technologies, guaranteeing high accuracy.
*Development of common rules (PCR type documents) for product category, based on Consortium experience and on FC and H2 LCA studies. PCR will prescribe how to perform LCA study: life cycle stages, system boundaries, parameters to be covered, relevant impact categories, cut-off rules, allocation rules etc. Methodological issues will be defined on the basis of ILCD Handbook that identifies 4 decision contexts which require different Life Cycle Inventory modeling frameworks and LCI method approaches to be applied. Specific rules will also be defined to deal with the multifunctional processes (very relevant in the FC and H technologies)
*Consensus process on PCRs. Relevant stakeholders, with particular attention to the intended target audience, will be invited in workshops and discussion forum
*Development of the MANUAL, by the execution of full case studies to be used for illustrative purpose. It includes a step by step guided procedure on Goal and Scope definition, LCI, data collection and documentation for ILCD Data Network, Impact Assessment, Interpretation and Review, strictly adhering to the ILCD Handbook.
*Development of training material and courses on PCRs and MANUAL.
The approach allows technology developer producing information modules of its own product and making it available in the Data Network
SP1-JTI-FCH.2009.5.5 - Development of a framework for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
ENEA - Agenzia Statale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile, Italy
Mariella Caffarelli
Other participating organisations:
University of Split | Croatia |
Università degli studi di Napoli Parthenope | Italy |
Tech. University Graz | Austria |
NTUA, National Tech. Uni. Athens | Greece |
Planet Planungsgruppe Energie und Technik GBR | Germany |
- Reference
- 256850
- Project duration
- 1 Oct 2010 - 30 Sep 2011
- Project locations
- Rome, Italy
- Overall budget
- €386 862
- EU contribution
- €311 95780.6% of the overall budget
- Project website