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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Project

Guidance Document for Performing LCAS on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies

The overall goal of the call “SP1-JTI-FCH.2009.5.5 LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA)” is to develop a specific guidance document for application to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and related training material with courses for practitioners in industry and research. This is to be based on and in line with the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook, co-developed by the European Commission's JRC-IES. Our concept for this guidance document relates back to an international standardized procedure: the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) System (ISO 14025), providing consistent information using common program and product category rules (PCR). HyGuide will be similar to a PCR. To further improve acceptance and applicability, a strong and active involvement of all relevant stakeholders is foreseen. To ensure compatibility with related tools in policy and industry context, the HyGuide will be prepared in line with the ILCD Handbook, in advice by the EC JRC-IES' “European Platform on LCA”. The HyGuide will equally be coordinated with the consortium of the JTI call “Technology Monitoring and Assessment”. The balanced, multidisciplinary project consortium features specifically experienced research, consultancy and industry partners and the EC: PE INT, USTUTT, KIT-G, the JRC-IE and the European Hydrogen Association (EHA). The EHA's key role is to involve industry members and support dissemination of the results to a broad audience (supporting action). The expected outcomes of HyGuide include: • A PCR-type guidance document - based on the ILCD handbook - that is scientifically sound, industry accepted and quality assured (reviewed), • LCA study reporting templates, tailor-made to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, • Broad dissemination among LCA practitioners and industry, and • A website, as a central information point and as a fully integrated component of the ILCD Data Network, with public and restricted access areas.


SP1-JTI-FCH.2009.5.5: Development of a framework for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)




Mr Oliver Schuller

Other participating organisations:

JRC - Joint Ressearch Centre, European Commission Netherlands
European Hydrogen Associaten represented by FAST - Federation of the Scientific and Technical Associations Italy
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie – Institut für Angewandte Informatik Germany
Università¤t Stuttgart – LBP-GaBi - Ganzheitliche Bilanzierung Germany