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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Project

Optic fibre-based hydrogen leak control systems

Hydrogen has emerged as a required fuel and commodity needed for the decarbonization of the generation, distribution, storage, and energy consumption. Through the EU Hydrogen Strategy, the EC recognised the important role of hydrogen, and the need for the hydrogen market to be significantly scaled up. The boost in hydrogen production and its introduction in the energy market has arised one important issue: leakage of hydrogen during its storage, transportation and distribution. This leakage produces two negative side effects: there is a safety issue derived from the hydrogen’s broad flammability range (4 to 74% concentration in air) and it contributes to a net emmission of greenhouse gases (GHG) by depleting hydroxyl radicals (OH), thus increasing the atmosperic lifetime of methane and influencing tropospheric ozone formation, with an estimate accumulation effect of 5.8% increase over 100 years.

The Green2TSO-OPTHYCS project will aim to develop new sensor technologies for continuous leak detectors based on optical fibre sensors technologies which will lead to an increase in the safety level of hydrogen applications, from production to storage and distribution, both in new infrastructure, working with pure H2, and in natural gas repurposed installations and pipelines, contributing to a safe and economically viable implementation of H2 production, transport, and storage processes. 

OPHTYCS project is built upon 3 conceptual areas: A) Technology pillars analysis and definition of new sensor technology , B) Validation of key use cases (pipelines, HRS and midstream sites (compression , metering stations, etc.) of the new technologies in 3 different controlled validation sites,  and C) Aspects of the technologies derived from the use cases, including the assessment of the security and environmental risks evaluations and regulatory framework, and a scalability and cost efficiency study.