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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Project

Towards H2ydrogen Integrated eConomies In NOrthern Italy

TH2ICINO (Towards H2ydrogen Integrated eConomies In NOrthern Italy) supports the deployment of micro hydrogen economies for the EU by developing and demonstrating a full ecosystem integrated by 6 replicable use cases linked to the steps of the hydrogen value chain. The results will validate a Master Planning Tool (MPT), which replicability will be then tested.
The demonstration of the hydrogen valley will work on the four pillars of the hydrogen value chain: (i) hydrogen production, (ii) hydrogen storage, (iii) hydrogen distribution, and (iv) hydrogen consumption and will send the initial status of TH2ICINO in order to enable replication and expansion. A first stage will include modelling, simulation and scenarization, from electrolysis plant to end-user in order to evaluate different scenarios and optimize them taking into consideration the technological constraints. Once the optimal cases are defined, an implementation phase will bring to real-life the innovative concept of the ecosystem tangible results to feed the MPT.