2017 will mark the 10th edition of the FCH JU Stakeholder Forum. This year will be the occasion to celebrate the public- private partnership and to highlight the considerable distance we have come so far. Looking back and reflecting will provide an opportunity to take stock of the main milestones and of what still has to be done to help the push forward.
The 10th edition of the Stakeholder Forum will take place on Wednesday 22 November 2017.
Venue: Steigenberger Wiltcher’s Hotel, 71 Avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Conference visitors must register on- line before 13/11/2017.
On- line registrations are now closed. For inquiries please contact FCH [dot] JU-2017teamwork [dot] fr (FCH[dot]JU-2017[at]teamwork[dot]fr)
Follow the live broadcast here
The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking held its first Stakeholder General Assembly in Brussels on 15 October 2008. Back then, the main purpose was to demonstrate stakeholders’ commitment to mobilising resources to deploy fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) technologies. Nine years later, in the 2016 edition of the high-level forum, the power of partnering proved its worth. Leading companies and start-ups shared their real-life experiences with deployed FCH products; more than 20 representatives of European cities and regions gathered on stage to make a strong statement towards the integration of FCH technologies; and sectors external to FCH also joined the show. The fuel cells and hydrogen sector has come a long way since that first edition.
Fuel cells and hydrogen, from a vision to reality
While the new Paris climate targets translate the desire for innovative, low-carbon and cost-effective technologies, fuel cell and hydrogen applications stand out as one of the key next-generation solutions for clean, integrated energy systems. However, it is only over the past two decades that the technology has become a viable and practical solution. The 10th edition of the FCH JU Stakeholder Forum will turn the clock back to a time when hydrogen was just starting to be recognised by the European Union as a clean energy carrier. This was a time when Jeremy Rifkin talked about the hydrogen economy as a future vision, and when the first foundations for a public-private partnership were initiated.
Looking to the past to enable the future
This special edition will trace the story of a partnership that acted as a catalyst for the sector. Leading speakers who played a key role along this path will deliver pieces of this story through high-level keynotes and lively debates. With major FCH deployment initiatives being launched internationally, the 10th edition will also serve to look ahead, to consolidate the next vision and to accelerate processes. Approximately 400 European and international stakeholders will participate in the Forum to make this event a new milestone for the sector.