The FCH JU organised on 18 November 2020 an internal workshop on “Safety of Electrolysis” with the support of the European Safety Panel (EHSP).
The workshop focused on the safety aspects of electrolysis technology and had three main objectives:
1- To summarize the state-of-the-art and standardization with regards to electrolyser safety;
2- To review the available experience with regard to safe design and operations, and the lessons learned from past accidents; and
3- To exchange experiences and best practices related to hydrogen safety beyond project boundaries.
All FCH 2 JU projects involving electrolysers participated, presenting and discussing project specific approaches and their experience with regard to safety planning, regulation codes and standards, risk assessment and incidences specifically related to electrolysis. In total more than 85 participants attended online.
The results of workshop are now available in the document below, alongside the presentations. Safety of electrolysis is a key topic, having in view the scale-up of installed power per unit in Europe and beyond. Its importance is also reflected by the fact that safety of electrolysis is considered a priority at IPHE level.
The mission of the EHSP is to assist the FCH JU both at programme and at project level in assuring that hydrogen safety is adequately managed, and to promote and disseminate a hydrogen safety culture .
Intro Workshop Safety Electrolysis_20201118_EHSP (Azkarate)
1-Session 1.1 - Moretto HIAD Workshop safety EL
2-Session 1.2 - Electrolysis Workshop Presentation SJH
3-Session 2.0 - ElectrolysisWorkShop_PratapSathiah
4-Session 2.1 - Hybalance_WorkshopSafetyElectrolysis_Final
5-Session 2.2 - Sunfire_GRINHY2.0_presentation
6-Session 2.3 - NH H2ME_H2ME2 slides - Public v2
7-Session 2.4 - Project_PRETZEL_v03
8-Session 3.0 - NH Electrolysis RCS slides - Final
9-Session 3.1 - EHSP and FCHJU presentation DJ1 safety V1 wlb
10-Session 3.2 - REFHYNE - Nov 2020 final for FCHJU
11-Session 3.3 - WorkshopSafetyElectrolysis_H2Future
12-Session 3.4 - Demo4Grid_WM_Rev1_20201118
13-Session 3.5 -MultiPLHY_WorkshopSafetyElectrolysis_20201118
- Publication date
- 29 January 2021
- Author
- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking