EHSP Workshop - 18 November 2021
On 18 November 2021, an online workshop on “Safe Storage of Compressed Gas Hydrogen in road transport applications and related infrastructure” was organized by the FCH 2 JU with the support of the European Safety Panel (EHSP).
The workshop focused on the safety aspects of hydrogen storage in road transport applications and related infrastructure and had three main objectives:
1. Summarize the state-of-the-art, progress in pre-normative research (PNR) and standardization with regards to safe storage of compressed gas hydrogen in road applications and related infrastructure;
2. Review the available experience with regard to safe design, operations, and the lessons learnt from incidents; and
3. Exchange experiences and best practices related to hydrogen safety beyond project boundaries.
About 60 participants attended the workshop, most of them representing 15 FCH 2 JU related projects. Eight projects presented their results and experience related to storage of hydrogen in road transport applications.
All the presentations are available here:
- Regulatory and Standardisation Framework
- Lesson learnt from safety-related events
- Safety on FCEVs
- On board storage - Safety considerations
- BMW Hydrogen Technology
- Project H2Haul
- FCEV Underground Parking
- Project THOR
- Project HyTunnel-CS
- Project H2ME and H2ME2
- Project MultHyFuel
- Project PRESLHY